What is the standard thickness of plywood in the UK?

Author: Liang

Jan. 10, 2024

Construction & Real Estate

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What is the Standard Thickness of Plywood in the UK?

Plywood is a versatile construction material that is used extensively in the UK for various applications, including furniture making, flooring, roofing, and packaging. It is made by bonding multiple layers of thin wood veneers together with adhesive, creating a strong and durable sheet product. However, one common question that arises when working with plywood is: what is the standard thickness of plywood in the UK?

What is the standard thickness of plywood in the UK?

Understanding the standard thicknesses of plywood available in the UK is important for construction professionals, homeowners, and anyone else interested in using this material for their projects. Let's dive into the different thickness options available.

Standard Thicknesses.

In the UK, plywood is typically available in a range of standard thicknesses that meet the diverse needs of various applications. These standard thicknesses are widely adopted across the industry, making it easier to source and work with plywood for construction projects.

1. 3.6mm.

The thinnest plywood option commonly found in the UK is typically 3.6mm thick. This thin plywood is suitable for applications such as interior cabinet backing, drawer bottoms, and craft projects where high strength is not required. It is lightweight and easy to cut, making it popular for its versatility.

2. 5.5mm.

Another common thickness option is 5.5mm plywood. This thickness is often used for projects where a higher level of strength is required, such as interior wall linings and underlayment for flooring. It offers good structural support while still being relatively lightweight.

3. 9mm.

9mm plywood is widely used in the UK for a range of purposes, including general construction, roofing, and flooring. It provides greater strength and durability compared to the thinner options and is suitable for applications requiring load-bearing capacities.

4. 12mm.

For more demanding applications, 12mm plywood is the popular choice. It is commonly used for wall and floor sheathing, as well as for making cabinets, shelves, and doors. Its thicker profile offers increased stability and superior strength, making it suitable for heavy-duty projects.

5. 18mm.

The thickest standard plywood option in the UK is 18mm. This thickness is commonly used for extensive construction projects like structural flooring, roofing, and shuttering. Its robustness and load-bearing capabilities make it ideal for applications that require high strength and durability.


In conclusion, understanding the standard thicknesses of plywood available in the UK is essential for selecting the appropriate material for your project. The standard thicknesses commonly found in the UK range from 3.6mm to 18mm, each offering specific characteristics suited for different applications.

Whether you need thin plywood for crafting or thick plywood for construction projects, it is important to choose the right thickness to ensure structural integrity and longevity. Consulting with industry professionals or suppliers can provide valuable guidance for selecting the most suitable plywood thickness for your specific needs.

For further information or assistance in selecting the right plywood thickness for your project, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts will be happy to provide you with the necessary guidance to ensure you achieve the best results in your construction endeavors.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website.

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