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What Is MBBR Wastewater Treatment & How Does It Work? | SSI

What Is MBBR, and How Does It Work?

By: Tom Frankel
Post Date: November 21st

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Any company that produces and subsequently must treat wastewater can benefit from a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) process. A moving bed biofilm reactor is defined as a biological process for treating wastewater, with some unique characteristics that make it a beneficial alternative to traditional methods such as activated sludge or trickling filter. MBBR is exceptional when it comes to factors such as convenience, efficiency and flexibility.

This article will closely examine the MBBR process, explaining how it works, how it compares to other techniques and how various industries apply it.

What Is Biological Wastewater Treatment?

Before explaining the ins and outs of MBBR, it&#;s helpful to understand the general category this type of wastewater treatment falls into. MBBR is a biological process, as opposed to a chemical or mechanical one. Here&#;s a technical breakdown of what characterizes a biological process.

Biological processes for treating water use small organisms like bacteria or nematodes to aid in decomposing waste. Consider all the organic matter that is present in wastewater. Biological processes take advantage of natural cellular processes to decompose this waste.

Introducing specific microorganisms into the wastewater allows nature to take its course as these microorganisms break down and consume the waste they contact. In the case of complex waste materials in the water, the microorganisms can turn them into simpler substances, which can then get filtered out through further treatment.

In many cases, biological wastewater treatment the next stage after a primary treatment process has already taken place to remove certain materials. Additional processes may come into play after a biological process, as well. Whether used independently or as part of a more comprehensive water treatment process, biological wastewater treatment processes are effective, eco-friendly and economical.

What Is MBBR Wastewater Treatment?

Having covered the basics of biological wastewater treatment, it&#;s time to shift focus to a specific biological treatment method: moving bed biofilm reactor.

Norwegian researchers developed MBBR technology in the late s and early s. The goal of MBBR was to compensate for some of the issues that characterize other biological wastewater treatment methods, and it did so effectively. MBBR combines many of the strengths of biological processes, specifically anactivated sludge process and biofilm media, while eliminating or minimizing the shortcomings that tend to come with biological processes for wastewater treatment.

Because of the many benefits it offers, MBBR has become a popular mode of biological wastewater treatment. MBBR uses plastic carriers covered in biofilm to decompose waste. In addition to being an effective means of removing organic substances, MBBR is also an innovative method for nitrification and denitrification.

As with other biological treatment processes, MBBR is often part of a multi-step system for wastewater treatment, with other processes focused on different aspects of purification. That is why an MBBR process flow diagram will often include other steps, such as grit removal and disinfection. Individual plants can customize the MBBR process itself and their overall wastewater treatment regimen to properly address their purification needs.

How Does MBBR Wastewater Treatment Work?

Here is a more detailed breakdown of how the MBBR process works. One helpful way to understand this process is to consider the different MBBR design components that work together to make this technique possible.

  • Basin: The MBBR process takes place in a basin, also known as a reactor or as an aeration tank. The size of this receptacle depends on the filtration needs of a particular plant. Influent enters this basin for treatment, and may enter a second basin for further MBBR processing or for another type of water treatment process. MBBR aeration tanks are open at the top, exposing the water to the open air, which makes this an aerobic process of filtration.
  • Media: The basin is full of thousands of small plastic chips, called media or carriers. These media may occupy as much as 50 to 70% of the tank. Their design maximizes the surface area they provide for biofilm to grow on them. Many carriers resemble rotelle, or wheel-shaped, pasta. They mimic the density of water, allowing them to mix throughout the fluid, rather than floating or sinking.
  • Aeration grid: Another thing that helps the media move effectively throughout the tank is an aeration grid. This device is essentially a fan located at the bottom of the reactor tank. The aeration grid helps keep carriers on the move so they can come into contact with all the waste present and efficiently decompose it, and it introduces more oxygen into the tank.
  • Sieve: When picturing the MBBR system described thus far, one might wonder how the media stay in the tank, rather than escaping through the exit. That would be a problem if it weren&#;t for a sieve attached to the tank. The mesh material allows water to pass through, but keeps the plastic carriers inside the basin.

With an appreciation of the components that make MBBR possible, it&#;s straightforward to understand how this process works. The microorganisms attached to the media in the tank consume waste in the water, leaving it cleaner and safer for reuse or disposal. The type of microorganisms introduced into the tank will depend on what type of waste needs to get eliminated.

As previously mentioned, MBBR doesn&#;t just work to consume general waste. It also plays a role in nitrification and denitrification. Nitrification is the process of ammonium converting into nitrate, and denitrification occurs when oxygen gets metabolized and nitrate turns into nitrogen gas. Because these are both biological processes, MBBR is an excellent way of facilitating them.

Again, the goals of the MBBR process will dictate the types of microorganisms introduced. In the case of denitrification, for instance, it is best to use denitrifiers such as Pseudomonas, Paracoccus or Alcaligenes.

In any case that requires a biological process to improve the quality of wastewater, MBBR is a valuable method to consider.

What Are the Advantages of MBBR Wastewater Treatment?

Using moving bed biofilm reactors over other, traditional wastewater treatment processes can be a strategic move for many industries, since MBBR comes with a host of exceptional qualities.

  • Compact: MBBR is an excellent option for facilities with space constraints, since it typically has a much smaller footprint than other systems. An MBBR aeration tank can effectively treat the same amount of water as a much larger tank used for a more traditional process. Primarily, it offers this benefit due to the maximized surface area the media provide for biofilm growth.
  • Simple: Another practical advantage of MBBR is that it is a relatively straightforward process. MBBR allows nature to take its course, which minimizes the role of the operator. It is worth noting that operators must be knowledgeable about the process so they can ensure everything is working properly at the molecular level. However, the process itself does not require very many steps.
  • Low maintenance: MBBR is also known for being a low-maintenance process. Maintenance tasks like backwashing that an operator would have to perform in other cases are typically unnecessary with MBBR. This system is largely self-moderating, so users can trust it to operate effectively without the need for demanding, ongoing maintenance.
  • Flexible: MBBR is naturally able to adjust as needed to varying loads and changes in the influent, since the microorganisms on the carriers respond to changes. It allows MBBR systems to resist shock loading or a sudden spike in pH levels. A study of MBBR demonstrated the system&#;s ability to remain highly stable when faced with organic, hydraulic and salt shock loadings and to quickly return to normal.
  • Efficient: One of the most significant advantages of MBBR is its impressive level of efficiency. An MBBR system can work much more quickly than alternative methods to treat the water. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) for BOD and nitrogen removal with an MBBR is around three to four hours. The continuously moving media and the sheer amount of biofilm make this low HRT possible.

How Does MBBR Compare to Other Biological Processes?

Having discussed biological processes of wastewater treatment, and the distinctive advantages of MBBR, it&#;s still beneficial to note how MBBR compares to other biological processes. Many plant operators or consulting engineers who are interested in MBBR are currently using other biological processes in their treatment of wastewater, so it&#;s helpful to make some direct comparisons.

There are many types of biological wastewater treatment processes, but two of the most popular modes of aerobic biological wastewater treatment are activated sludge and trickling filter.

Activated Sludge Process vs. MBBR

The activated sludge process (ASP) shares some similarities with MBBR. With this traditional process, wastewater enters an aeration tank that contains high levels of oxygen. This oxygen aids in the process of microbial growth and decomposition of organic waste. The water then moves onto a settling tank, where the remaining waste in the water will separate from the water, leaving it cleaner.

The activated sludge process is a tried-and-true method for biological wastewater treatment. However, research has shown that, under optimal conditions, MBBR can more effectively remove chemical oxygen demand and can more effectively handle organic loading compared to ASP. MBBR takes advantage of the same strengths ASP provides and offers additional benefits that make it superior technology.

Trickling Filter Process vs. MBBR

Another popular treatment is the trickling filter process. This process uses a bed of material, such as gravel, rocks, ceramic or plastic, to hold onto microorganisms in water as it passes over the layer of material. These microorganisms will create a biofilm over time that will then decompose organic matter contained in wastewater. Periodically infusing oxygen into the water can make the environment more aerobic.

This process cannot compete with MBBR when it comes to efficiency or ease of operation. In the case of trickling filter processes, a skilled operator must closely monitor the process. Clogs are a common issue with this process, but they rarely happen in the case of MBBR.

Industrial Applications of an MBBR System

MBBR has nearly limitless industrial applications. Any industry that needs to treat wastewater can benefit from MBBR. Many of these industries have effluent treatment plans (ETP) that use less convenient or less effective processes. The following represent a few examples of MBBR systems in industrial contexts.

  • Pulp and paper manufacturing: The pulp and paper industry places high demands on water. Around 85% of this is process water, which means paper factories produce a great deal of contaminated wastewater that requires on-site treatment. MBBR has proven itself to be an effective means of treating this wastewater.
  • Chemicals manufacturing: Manufacturing chemicals produces a high quantity of wastewater containing organic pollutants. This wastewater requires treatment before it can get reused or released into the natural waterways. MBBR is an excellent option for chemical manufacturing plants to consider as part of their ETP.
  • Textile factories: Textile factories must have ETPs, since they produce wastewater that needs purification. MBBR is an excellent option for textile factories. It can remove dyes and other pollutants effectively and is compact enough to be manageable for small facilities.
  • Dairy processing: Processing dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt creates a large volume of effluent containing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), among other types of waste. MBBR is a valuable wastewater treatment option for the dairy industry, since it&#;s exceptionally efficient.
  • Beverage manufacturing: Water is a primary ingredient in most beverages, but beverage factories also use water to processes such as cooling and cleaning. These processes result in wastewater that needs treating. MBBR is especially well-equipped to keep up with the high volume demand for water treatment in this industry.

A vast array of industries need to treat wastewater, so examples of MBBR&#;s industrial applications abound. Across many different industries, plant operators and consulting engineers have discovered firsthand how valuable MBBR can be as part of their ETP.

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Take Advantage of Cutting-Edge Aeration Technology With SSI Aeration, Inc.

Moving bed biofilm reactor technology has made waves for the way it combines the strengths of preexisting biological wastewater treatment processes and improves upon these processes to offer a simple, low-maintenance process that responds effectively to fluctuations and efficiently treats wastewater &#; all within a compact system.

To take advantage of this cutting-edge technology, consider the EEVolved MBBR from SSI Aeration, Inc. SSI are trailblazers in the field of wastewater treatment, with a reputation for excellence. SSI has designed its MBBR system on the foundation of a deep understanding of hydrodynamics, biofilm and aeration integration. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions with SSI. Users of the EEVolved MBBR can customize it to meet their facility&#;s needs. Those interested in learning more about this system and its costs can get a free MBBR quote from SSI today.

SSI&#;s representatives are also available to answer any remaining questions potential customers have about this process or other wastewater treatment processes of interest. Contact SSI today to learn more about the revolutionary benefits of MBBR.

Mr. Frankel co-founded SSI in with experience in design and distribution of engineered systems. He is in charge of sales, marketing and operations in the company. Mr. Frankel holds multiple US patents related to diffusers. He is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis.

Advantages and disadvantages of using MBBR technology

Advantages and disadvantages of using MBBR technology

The use of MBBR technology has several advantages and disadvantages, which we explain in our article today. We are pleased to receive your inquiries about the effectiveness of treating gray water and wastewater using MBBR technology.

Advantages of using MBBR technology

There are many advantages of using MBBR technology compared to its disadvantages:

Highest effective sludge retention time (SRT)

Sludge retention time is the length of time that a given unit of biological media operates effectively within the bioreactor.

As a fixed film system, the SRT of MBBR is much longer than a suspension growth system. As the biomedia can be drawn from the reactor at the outlet. Such systems require a sludge recirculation line. In the moving bed bioreactor process. The plastic carriers are kept inside the reactor by a mesh sieve at the outlet, so none of the biofilm is lost.

Low hydraulic retention time (HRT)

Hydraulic retention time refers to the amount of time the bioreactor needs to effectively treat the wastewater. Thanks to the combination of mobile carriers with highly concentrated biofilms. HRT is shorter for these mobile bioreactor systems when compared to others, usually only needing a maximum of a few hours based on organic load.

Responds to load fluctuations without operator intervention

Many other treatment methods, biological or otherwise, must be diligently monitored for fluctuations in pregnancy so that doses can be adjusted accordingly. With MBBR, this is unnecessary for fluctuations that are not significantly large.

Biofilms are naturally able to adjust slightly to accommodate different sizes, concentrations or contaminants.

Low sludge production

One of the biggest problems when dealing with wastewater is the sludge produced after certain processes. Biological systems are no different. However, since MBBR is a fixed membrane system, nothing is added to the effluent and so the volume of sludge produced is smaller than in additive biological processes.

Less space required

Thanks to the large internal surface area of the plastic carriers and the high bacterial concentration of the biofilm, the moving bed bioreactor units are more compact and occupy less floor space than other biological processing systems.

Resilient to toxic shock

In a similar vein to their response to load fluctuations, MBBR systems are also resilient to toxic shock, a problem with other biological therapies. Some pollutants in wastewater can kill bacteria in the biological medium, but MBBR biofilms can respond and recover from these toxins.

The performance of the process is independent of the secondary clarifier

Activated sludge systems use recycled sludge to increase SRT. However, if there are separation problems occurring in the filter, the return sludge may be of lower quality and affect the performance of the reactor.

This is not a problem with MBBR systems because there is no need for recirculation since it is a fixed film system.

Improved leveling properties

The quality of the reactor water flow into the clarification tank can affect the quality of the treated water.

This can be a problem in some other biological treatment systems, but MBBR systems and their fixed bed and suspended media properties ensure that the solids are well stabilized, with little to no turbidity in the supernatant and low water content in the sludge.

Disadvantages of using MBBR technology

Manual bacteriological monitoring required

Biological systems are more difficult for microbial monitoring than other treatments. You cannot simply place a sensor in the tank to constantly track bacteria in biological media. Operators must regularly sample the media and analyze it in the laboratory by hand to ensure the bacteria are alive and healthy.

Skilled operators must be available

In order to monitor biological media, operators must be experts in biological water treatment. The physical operation of these systems is not particularly complex. However, the biological processes that occur are complex and require some skilled personnel to ensure they work properly.

MBBR treatment systems combine some of the best qualities of the activated sludge process and intermittent filters without their drawbacks, but they are not without a few of their own. But in cases and applications, the benefits can outweigh the negatives.

Factors to consider when choosing between using MBBR technology and an MBBR reactor

There are a wide range of factors that influence the design of a wastewater treatment plant and the choice of technologies that will be part of it. That is why it is important to analyze the specific characteristics of each case. As well as the needs and goals raised by the client.

In designing a water treatment plant, we may be faced with the need to choose between an MBR system or an MBBR reactor. Although the choice of one technique or another depends on the specific needs of the project and there is no formula that can be applied in general, there are a series of conditions that are usually met in most cases:

Required quality of treated water:

MBR systems produce high-quality treated water, thanks to their ability to remove small particles. Treated water can be reused in production processes and in other applications such as washing, irrigation, sanitary networks, etc.

Composition of wastewater:

The composition of wastewater indicates the types of pollutants to be treated and how much is present in the effluent. MBR systems offer greater versatility in the variety of contaminants they can treat. On the other hand, MBBR reactors can provide better performance in wastewater that is not as complex and requires simple processes, such as reducing COD or BOD.

Waste water volume:

MBBR reactors have a higher hydraulic capacity and can handle a larger amount of cubic meters daily.

Installation and operating costs:

Design, construction, operation, and maintenance costs are important factors in selecting a wastewater treatment system. An MBBR reactor usually has a higher cost in its design and construction but offers lower operating and maintenance expenses. The MBR system is characterized by higher operating and maintenance costs due to the presence of membranes. That requires higher energy consumption to maintain the required pressure and a greater investment in maintenance, due to their cleaning and replacement. That must be performed periodically.

Environmental conditions:

Local environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of chemicals can affect system selection.

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