Water Well Drilling Methods

Author: becky

Aug. 12, 2024

Water Well Drilling Methods

It&#;s not surprising that water well drilling is an ancient undertaking. About 8,000 years ago, the first water wells were hand dug to supply a safe, clean and reliable water source for the earliest civilizations. Our need for water has not changed, but well drilling technology has come a long way since then.

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In some areas of the world, manually digging a water well is still the cheapest and most practical way to improve water accessibility, especially for one-off wells. However, for contractors and groups looking to add or expand their water well drilling capabilities long term, mechanical drilling can offer a faster, more efficient option.

There are two things to keep in mind when choosing water well drilling equipment: 1) The method must match the geology. 2) Consider the costs, both short term and long term. For a single well, manual techniques might not cost much, but can hand drilling methods handle soil conditions on your site? And how does the overall cost play out for digging multiple wells? On the other hand, mechanical well drilling options might be able to complete the job quickly but might not fit within the budget for an operation that is only looking at a few wells annually.

Let&#;s take a closer look at the pros and cons of some popular manual and mechanical drilling techniques to determine which might be the best option for your operation.

Manual Techniques

For many, digging a water well brings to mind an individual in a deep, muddy hole, passing up buckets of earth, and with good reason. Hand-digging is probably the oldest and most frequently used manual method for gaining access to ground water and it&#;s a labor-intensive, dirty job.

Like other manual techniques &#; including sludging, manual percussion drilling, drive point and hand auguring &#; hand-digging requires only simple tools and a lot of hard work, which is why individuals and communities have been using these techniques effectively for so long. As the saying goes, &#;if it&#;s not broke, don&#;t fix it.&#; And for areas with limited access to heavy equipment or fuel, these techniques are still a viable option.


  • Requires simple tools that are locally accessible
  • Can reach depths of 230 feet (70 meters) or deeper depending on method and geology
  • Work can be completed quickly with large crews


  • High risk of surface contamination
  • Difficult or impossible to drill through rock or dense soil
  • Most methods become unstable at less than 33 feet (10 meters)
  • Most methods require a high water table

Perhaps the biggest drawback to manually digging water wells is how inefficient the process is for multiple wells. Installing up to half a dozen wells in a single area might not break the bank, but repeatedly hiring large crews can add up quickly. Additionally, the geological impediments and the risk of contamination with manual techniques make them less attractive to contractors and groups looking to produce sustainable wells in multiple regions.

After considering the pros and cons, if manual drilling appears to be the best option for your project, manual percussion drilling is probably the most effective and widely used technique. The process consists of repeatedly dropping a heavy drill bit connected to a rope or cable in a hole partially filled with water to loosen soil and chip off pieces of rock. A sharpened drill bit and one-way valve at the bottom of the drill pipe can be added to create a hybrid percussion-sludging technique for increased efficiency. Manual percussion drilling is faster than other manual methods, capable of penetrating rock (very slowly) and is easily sealed to prevent contamination. However, mechanical percussion drilling &#; which mechanized the manual down-the-hole method &#; is a much more efficient option for operations looking for a long-term solution.

Mechanical Methods

Where manual drilling methods rely on simple tools, large work crews, hard work and patience to get the job done, mechanical drilling methods use motors, gears and fuel to power through rock and tough soils. These techniques can dig faster and deeper than manual methods and are ideal for contractors and groups looking for efficient, highly maneuverable easy-to-use equipment. For drilling a single well, they might not be cost efficient, but for operations looking to add water well drilling to their services, investing in the right water well drilling rig for your operation can offer fast ROI and open up new possibilities.

There are several popular methods, each with its own pros and cons, so consider your needs and the geology of your area of operation before committing to a mechanical drill rig.

Jetting: With this method, a pump forces water down a drill pipe and out a narrow nozzle to make a jet of water that loosens the sediment. Water outside the drill pipe carries cuttings up to the surface and into a settling pit, dug next to the borehole. The pump then returns the water back down the pipe. The drill pipe is suspended from a tripod and rotated by hand to keep the hole straight. In fine sand, this method can reach depths of 197 feet (60 meters).


  • Only requires two people
  • Only tools are pump that can generate sufficient pressure and pipe


  • Only works in soft, fine-grained sediments
  • Difficult to install sanitary seal to protect from surface contamination

Cable Tool: This is a mechanized version of manual percussion drilling. A heavy drill bit is attached to a steel cable and raised and dropped down the borehole. Cuttings are still manually removed with a bailer and several meters of water must be maintained in the borehole to keep the cuttings suspended. Equipment ranges from a basic skid-mounted winch with a tripod to a complex set of pulleys and drums with a large mast. Large cable tool rigs are mounted on a trailer or the bed of a truck and use hydraulic motors to raise and lower the mast and rotate the drums of the cable. These larger units are capable of drilling hundreds of feet deep through virtually any geological conditions.


  • Uses least amount of fuel


  • Slowest mechanical method
  • Steel casing required to keep hole from collapsing when working in loose sediment
  • Can require extra equipment like arc welder and cutting torch for drive casing

Mud Rotary: The basic concept behind the mud rotary drill rig is similar to jetting. Add a large cutting bit, lengths of steel drill pipe with threaded joints, a motor to turn and lift the drill pipe and a sturdy mast to support the pipe and you are ready for rotary well drilling. Mud rotary drilling also mixes bentonite clay or other materials in the jetting water to improve its ability to lift cuttings. This fluid is called &#;drilling mud&#; and is the &#;mud&#; referenced in the method&#;s name.

The two basic categories of mud rotary drilling are: table drive, where a rotating mechanism near the base of the rig turns the drill pipe, and top-head drive, where a motor attached to the upper end of the pipe turns it. In both cases, the upper end of the pipe is attached to a lifting mechanism that moves it along the mast. Both types of mud rotary rigs also have a swivel attached to the upper end of the pipe, allowing drilling mud to be pumped down the pipe while it is rotating.

Depending on size, a mud rotary rig can drill up to 3,281 feet (1,000 meters). The LS100 and LS200 drill rigs are mud rotary rigs at the small end of drill rig sizes, but even these smaller machines can drill an 8-inch (20-centimeter) borehole to a depth of 197 feet (60 meters). For more power in challenging soils, Lone Star developed the Hydraulic Series. The LS300H+ is capable of drilling a 6-inch (15-centimeter) borehole up to 300 feet (91.4 meters).


  • Drilling mud keeps borehole open eliminating need for drive casings
  • Faster than cable tool and jetting methods


  • Drilling through rock only possible with larger rigs
  • Multiple motors consume more fuel per hour than cable tool rig
  • Large rigs require support vehicles to haul water and drill pipe

Air Rotary: The mechanical elements of an air rotary drill rig are similar to a mud rotary rig, including an option of table drive or top-head drive for rotating pipe. The principal difference is the use of compressed air to remove cuttings rather than drilling mud. The air rotary rig uses the same type of drill bits as the mud rig, but it can also drill with a down-the-hole hammer. It uses compressed air to break up rock and can drill very fast. A large air rotary rig can drill more than feet (500 meters) in the right geological conditions.


  • Fastest drilling method
  • Quicker setup than other methods


  • Most expensive method
  • Consumes the most fuel per hour
  • Requires support vehicles and large air compressor

As you can see, there are lots of options for drilling water wells. The drilling method that works best for you, depends on your geology, your brawn and your budget.

Ultimate Guide to Water Well Drilling

Water well drilling is an essential service for both residential and commercial customers in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Access to a reliable source of clean water is critical, and the urgency becomes even more apparent when an existing well runs dry or produces a low amount of water. In this guide, we&#;ll cover the basics of water well drilling, including special considerations for farms, neighborhoods that want to share a single well, and other unique circumstances that need to be taken into account when drilling for water.

How Are Water Wells Drilled?

There are several methods used in drilling water wells, depending on the geological conditions and the desired well depth. When working with an expert well technician they will recommend one of these services based on your specific location and local regulations.

Mud Drilling: This is an efficient and versatile method that involves using a mud rotary drill rig to circulate a drilling fluid (mud) through the borehole and is common in softer geological formations like clay, silt, and sand. It utilizes a drilling fluid, or &#;mud,&#; which is circulated through the borehole during the drilling process. The mud serves several purposes, including maintaining borehole stability, cooling and lubricating the drill bit, and removing drill cuttings.

Primarily, mud rotary drilling is prevalent in coastal areas with sand, silt, and clay, such as the Maryland counties of Anne Arundel, Harford, Calvert, St. Mary&#;s, and some parts of Baltimore County. In Virginia, locations east of I-95 and near the Potomac River may also use this drilling method.

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Rock Drilling: This method is used when drilling through solid rock formations with hard, dense geological layers that other drilling methods may struggle to penetrate. The drill bit is attached to the end of steel drilling rods, which is then rotated by the drill rig&#;s hydraulic system.

Mud and Rock Drilling Rigs

As the drill bit rotates, it applies pressure and cuts into the rock, breaking it into small fragments. As the drilling progresses, cuttings (small pieces of rock) are produced. Drill cuttings are removed from the borehole by the injection of high-pressure compressed air, down the middle of the drill rod, exiting out of the annular space between the drill rod and the borehole.

Air rotary well drilling is a common method used in most counties outside of the coastal regions in Maryland, Southern Pennsylvania, and Northern Virginia.

Geothermal Drilling: This type of drilling is primarily used to access geothermal energy resources. Geothermal wells can be quite deep and require specialized drilling equipment and techniques. These drilling projects may be located in environmentally sensitive areas, requiring careful planning and adherence to regulations to minimize the impact on the surrounding ecosystem.

Environmentally responsible green technology, such as geothermal systems, helps reduce the reliance on fossil fuels by eliminating on-site combustion. This substantially decreases the demand for power generation, resulting in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing the environmental impact associated with nonrenewable resource extraction.

What is the Typical Cost of Water Well Drilling?

A typical water well generally costs $15 to $30 per foot, with deeper wells being more expensive. Cost can vary significantly based on factors such as depth, location, geology, and the type of drilling method used. When considering a well drilling contractor, make sure to ask about the following considerations:

  • What drilling method do they plan to use?
  • What are the estimated depth and cost per foot?
  • Any additional costs, such as permits, water testing, or well casing
  • Is this an all-inclusive estimate for well pump, pressure tank, and excavating the ground from the pump to the home or commercial building?
  • How long have they been drilling?
  • What type of customer support do they have after well drilling is complete?
  • Do they have any references for the local area?

What is the Typical Well Drilling Process?

The well drilling process typically involves the following steps:

1. Site Selection

A suitable location for the well is chosen based on factors like accessibility, geology, and proximity to potential sources of contamination.

2. Permits and Regulations

Necessary permits are obtained, and local regulations are followed. Some counties have special requirements for drilling and well casing depth. The permit issued before drilling will always list special conditions and requirements.

3. Drilling

The well is drilled using the appropriate method for the site&#;s geology and desired depth (mud or rock).

4. Casing and Grouting

The well is lined with a casing to prevent collapse. The annular space around the casing and the hole drilled then needs to be filled with a grout to protect the well and prevent contamination.

5. Abandoning existing well

This step is necessary when a new well replaces an old one. The process involves pumping grout to the bottom of the old well until it is completely filled and no longer in use.

6. Well Development

The well is developed to improve water quality and flow. This step helps to ensure the well&#;s long-term performance, efficiency, and water quality. Proper well development can also prolong the well&#;s lifespan and reduce the need for maintenance or repairs.

7. Water testing and treatment

The well water is tested by your well drilling company for quality and treatment if necessary. In some counties, the permit fee also includes a usage and occupancy (U&O) test by the county to verify the well is drilled properly, the water is portable and free from bacteria.

8. Installation of pumping equipment

A pump and associated equipment are installed to bring water from the well to the surface to provide a reliable and efficient supply of water for use in the home or business.

9. Water analysis

The water test performed by the well drilling company isn&#;t always comprehensive. So, to be fully assured of the safety of your water, this last step can be completed by a water treatment technician who will review all the basic levels of your water like acidity (Ph), iron, and hardness. Since Carroll Water is a full-service well drilling and water treatment company, they will conduct a free water analysis.

Expert Well-Drilling Tips and Misconceptions

Can you drill a well anywhere and find water?

No, not all locations have access to a reliable water source. It&#;s essential to consult with a professional to determine the feasibility of drilling a well on your property.

Does a divining rod really work?

Divining rods, also known as dowsing, have been used for centuries to locate water sources. However, there is no scientific evidence to support their effectiveness. It&#;s best to rely on professional knowledge and equipment for well location and drilling.

Are there any special considerations for a farm well?

Many considerations are essential in providing a consistent and reliable water source to a farm for irrigation, livestock, and other operations. The well-planning process requires specialized knowledge and expertise, as water quantity and quality are critical for maintaining healthy crops and animals.

When drilling agricultural wells, it is important to consider factors such as water rights, environmental impact, and long-term sustainability, ensuring that your well supports your farm&#;s needs while promoting responsible water management.

What considerations should neighborhoods be aware of for a community well municipality?

When neighborhoods share a private municipal well source, also known as a community well, there are several important considerations to ensure the well can provide an adequate and reliable supply of water for all users:

Well capacity: The well must be designed to meet the peak water demand of the entire neighborhood. This involves calculating the expected water usage for each household and any shared facilities, such as parks or community centers, and ensuring the well can produce enough water to meet these needs.

Water quality: Regular testing and monitoring of the well water are crucial to ensure it remains safe and free of contaminants. A shared well may require more frequent testing than an individual well due to the larger number of users and potential sources of contamination.

Infrastructure: A shared well system typically requires more extensive infrastructure, such as distribution lines, pressure tanks, and booster pumps, to ensure water is delivered consistently and at the proper pressure to all homes in the neighborhood.

Legal and regulatory compliance: Shared wells may be subject to additional regulations and permitting requirements compared to individual wells.

Call on the Experts in Well Drilling

For over 100 years, Carroll Water has provided our customers with reliable and efficient water well drilling services including well drilling, equipment, inspection, and maintenance. Our team of licensed professionals is dedicated to ensuring you have access to essential pure water, always. Contact our expert well technician for a site visit and a free quote for your well drilling or water service today.

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